Sunday 2 October 2016

2nd October 1936 - Terrick to Mary

35 Nevern Place

2nd October 1936

Pettootie Darling,

I have just rung up to arrange about tomorrow, hoping that you would be back from your class; but as you aren't I have left a message for you to ring me in the morning so that you will be put off the scent of expecting this letter.

Your letter this morning was enough to make any man leap out of bed with a glad cry.  You certainly are the nicest of girls otherwise you couldn't write such nice letters.

How have you got on at your class?  I picture you toiling up the hill with rabbit pie under one arm, [Interval to speak to you on the phone] a nice pudding under the other and a beef olive in your handbag.

Now our conversation has spoilt this letter. When we are talking on the phone I much prefer listening to you talking to saying things myself, and am, I know known to start off into a monologue.

This morning I had a fitting of my new suit.  The fitter seems to be a very good man  I think it is going to be a good job.  Then to be absolutely the perfect businessman (west end version) I had to wear a hard collar with long points and a black homburg hat bound all round.

Digby goes off to Paris tomorrow to see his mother.  He is a funny fellow, very unlucky in his relatives.

When I go north I shall go by the Silver Jubilee to Darlington as the only alternative is a Pullman to Harrogate which takes three quarters of an hour longer to do a journey fifty miles shorter.  I shall get to Darlington at quarter to nine and home at about half past.  I like walking into the hall with the rather dim light & putting down my bag and then going into the drawing room where it is all light and quiet and exactly the same as the last time I was there.

Prager wants me to go to dinner with him on either Monday or Tuesday so let me know which day will suit you best to come up.  

Goodnight darling.  Sleep well, dream of me, and come down to breakfast to find this on your plate.

I am glad you have a roof to your mouth.  It would be very difficult phoning to you if you hadn't.

Your future lord & master



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