Thursday 26 March 2015

26th March 1935 - Mary to Terrick


March 26 1935

Dearest Ticky,

It seems a very, very long time ago since I asked Mummy whether she thought it would be proper for me to buy you a birthday present - as I didn't know you very well.- and posted them off to Nice with a sinking feeling that you'd think what a silly present it was.

We were very "Spring-like" in those days - writing nice little letters with clever underlying meanings.  I don't think we're quite so nice now - a bit 'hot-housey'.  I think - but richer and more verdant.  I feel we shall one day arrive triumphantly at the "windswept moor" stage - where everything is firm and clean - but I suppose one can look at it in other lights.

You were very clever on Sunday - I was quite sure I had fallen to the bottom - but just because you pretended I was still standing on the top with you, I thought I was - and it's much easier to think about myself now.  If you'd been in the slightest bit jealous or annoyed I'm not sure what mightn't have happened.

I'm not worth very much in the stability line, darling, and if you go to Africa at a week's notice you'll have to put a good strong string round my finger first.  It would be very horrible - but very exciting for you.

Perhaps I shall strengthen with the years - so that when you come sailing home with a ring through your nose and a spear in your hand - I shall stand on the quay & shout to the assembled multitude "This is the man I shall love for all my life!  Rejoice in the man of my choice, and in the growth of constancy within my heart! Lo, I was as a reed bowed beneath the force of nature, but now stand I strongly & firmly in the faith of my love!!"

- Many, many happy returns of the day - are you greying at the temples yet?

All my love,

Your Mary Pleasant

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