Wednesday 21 January 2015

21st January 1935 - Terrick to Mary

21st January 1935

Darling Mary

I have sent Miss Cross the translation.

How do you feel now, being back at work?

Paul and I had an amusing time this evening.  He was to give a lecture at Gordon & Gotch's Staff Club in Farringdon St and I was going to operate the lantern for him.  G & G had no lantern or screen so we had to take both, the first in a suitcase and the latter in a long narrow black box (Do you remember the screen at F.W.  Like that only bigger).  We had to walk down the street as if we were carrying a coffin, one holding one and the other following behind with the other.

We just got the screen into a taxi after a good deal of doubt about it from the driver who thought we should poke holes in his cover.  At last we arrived at G & G, & went up four floors in the lift to find that they had forgotten all about the lecture.  The staff manager was extraordinarily vague creature who fingered the lantern and slides as if he had never seen such things in his life.  In the end we came away.  We couldn't make the lift man hear our ring and couldn't do our coffin march down the stairs so I had to carry the screen down as best I could to the amazement of the staff who couldn't think what it could be.

When we got outside there were no taxis to be seen so we had to do our coffin march again into Ludgate Circus & up to Holborn with bus conductors and boys on bicycles making ribald remarks about "the body".

With a great many sighs of agony & boredom I have done my four pages of typing.  If only I can keep it up I shall finish the first act this week.

My darling, I love you very, very much and am looking forward tremendously to Wednesday & Thursday.

Hundreds of kisses.


I have left the original German letter out of Miss Cross's envelope.  Here it is.

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