Wednesday 20 January 2016

20th January 1936 - Terrick to Mary

20th January 1936

My Darling, 

This will be a short letter because I have been out late at Stratford Empire in the East End seeing a turn for the Leeds Reunion.  It was urgent so I put Hodson off until Thursday.

When I got back from lunch I was told that while I was out a German woman had called at the Regent St. Office & asked for me saying she was a personal friend.  When she was told I was out she said she would call at Balderton St in an hour's time - but she didn't.  it must be Bodil.  The name Stockelbach must have made them think she was German.  I rang up Regent St to find out more about it, but the man who spoke to her was out.

Single berth cabins to Jamaica & back are £70.  I rang your mother up & told her & looked into other things.  I have now sent her particulars of a cruise to Madiera & the Canary Isles at £33 plus a week's hotel accommodation, & lasting just a month.  She seemed still decided to go.

I am going to call on a advertiser in the Telegraph tomorrow.  It is a pity I forgot to get my hair cut to-day.

I must stop now, darling, if I am to catch the post.

All my love


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