Saturday 28 November 2015

28th November 1935 - Terrick to Mary

28th November 1935


Just a scribble before I dash out to my dinner (smelling terribly of some disgusting chemical - probably "non-shino").  I am terribly sorry, but do you mind fearfully if you don't come to the staff do tomorrow.  The situation is now impossible. We are eighteen and twelve are girls.  So there will be six girls - half the total number - sitting out at every dance.  Having got up the show I couldn't leave them to it while I danced with you, so it wouldn't be much fun for you.  I am awfully sorry, I'll try and make up for it by dancing extra well at Hounslow.

I rang you up at 6.15 to tell you, but you were out.

My suit has had the shine very well removed from all parts except the underside of the forearms.  But the smell! It's rather like crushed almonds.

I have got the films.  Yours is called "slightly under" and "much under" but the first 4 or 5 scenes look perfect to me.  Both shots of the milestone are under-exposed for the background though the stone itself is alright.  "A Family-Film" for which I forgot the close-up attachment hasn't come out at all.  The title film is called "good"! The only one we have had without a qualifying "slightly over or under".  They look perfect.  I have also got a super-reel for the film to go on.

I must fly.

Goodbye, darling.  I am so sorry about tomorrow, having once invited you.

All my love, body, soul and spirit (if there's any difference).



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