Wednesday 25 November 2015

25th November 1935 - Terrick to Mary

35 Nevern Place

25th November 1935

Darling One,

I have started on the film and have pieced together about half the various shots, ignoring the subtitles.  I have put in the whole of each shot, so we shall have to run it through on the projector and cut out bits where the shot seems to go on for too long and so interrupts the swing of the thing.  It is an infuriating job and my language has been vile.  I ordered a reel for 180ft in the lunch hour but one has to have 300ft.

Miss West hasn't sent me a card about Thursday yet, though it doesn't matter in my case.  I find I have still got your Group Theatre paper.

When you come on Wednesday, dear, please bring up the Show Book.  It is due back.  I'm afraid I shan't be able to prolong it again.

It has been bitterly cold today.  My old radiator can't cope with it.

Let me know the date of your mother's birthday and what you think she would like this year.

I must stop now.  I really had nothing to say, but I wanted to talk to you, and to make you think of me tomorrow morning.  I like doing the film twice as much as I should if it were all mine because I feel I am working in partnership with you, even when I am fiddling with it alone in my room.

When we get engaged can we have a party to celebrate it?  But I don't know, after all, that I should like that; no, I know I shouldn't.  What I should like would be going to a cocktail party at your Grandmother's just as ordinary guests and being engaged.  We should feel much more one among all the others even than we do now; perhaps because everybody else would be recognising it.

Going among my own relations wouldn't be nearly so nice because they're not a bit romantically or sentimentally inclined.  With them it would be: "what are you going to live on?" I shall refer them to "The Chimes".  It will be great!

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