Wednesday 7 October 2015

7th October 1935 - Mary to Terrick



Darling - Dearest Dear - and Best Beloved (as this isn't going to be a long one I can afford to be extravagant without fear of reiteration) - 

Here is 24/6. - don't look aghast, and raise your eye-brows or crease your forehead - because I'm going to explain it in a minute - 

10/- is instalment on projector - eight days overdue - and only paid now under fearsome pressure of thought that the "police" might be involved if I didn't!

4/6. I owe you. 5/- minus 6d for syllabus - (which I must remember to pay for) - and thank you very much for putting your hand in your pocket so readily - I'll try not to do it very often - 

And the last 10/- (God guard my banking a/c) is for Paul's present - I had to send it to you now, because it might possibly have departed this life by Wednesday - none knowing less than I, where it had gone.

I am writing off to that Dramatic school tonight - but I don't suppose they'll have evening classes.  Have you asked about the B.D.L. course yet? - Try and wangle us in cheaply - I'm sure you could.

- I had a most amazing & vivid dream last night that it was my wedding day - only the church was so big that the relations were miles away in the background - and I couldn't get near the altar because of three men cleaning the organ, which was in pieces everywhere - and I spent the whole dream running backwards & forwards talking first to Mummy & then passing the time of day with these men - and tying & untying the bow of my long white frock which was cut in the pattern of my blue nightie - waiting for you - After ages and ages of waiting I woke up and was very cross - but I seemed to half go to sleep again and you were there, patting me on the shoulder, but I was a bit annoyed because, instead of looking at me, you kept on swearing at the men cleaning the organ! It was very strange.

- I'm longing to show you how I've altered my navy blue evening dress - it's most successful, I think.  I can't wear anything underneath it and it's skin tight - & I look magnificent!! - I put it on before I went to bed last night and wished you were there.

Miss O (Patricia) & I are going to pictures tomorrow night - to see Ralph Lynn & T Walls in "Fighting Stock" - I've never seen them!

- Must stop - for any reason you like to imagine.

- This is far more than you deserve - but I couldn't stop - & I loved your letter this morning.

It's a tremendous life - although it's such a long time till 5.30 Wednesday.

All my love for ever & ever

Mary Pleasant

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