Monday 15 June 2015

15th June 1935 - Terrick to Mary

Hotel Moderne
Boulogne s/Mer

Marcel Bray, Propr

Confort Moderne

Teleph 3.69

R.C. Boulogne 6177

15th June 1935

Darling Mary Pleasant,

What a waste of a perfect week-end.  Here the sky is blue & the sun is shining.  The crossing was perfect.

I have brought over a man called Drew to instruct him in the job, so that there will be more of us to divide the job - & so the week-ends.  After this I shall only have to come over once every four weeks.



I had no more time at the hotel for writing as I went out to meet the boat which was sighted ahead of time.

No answer has come to the cruise manager letter, but I don't really expect one for a day or two yet.  Probably though they'll be able to get someone who has actually done the job.

I have spent all evening concocting and writing out the story of my film scenario.

There are parts for you, Jack, Mrs Ormo, Renny (or Bill Hare), Paget, Andy, David & John Lingwood, with walking on parts for Jill, me and two other men - say Mr Lingwood and another.

There is not much opportunity for acting as it is just a thriller, but I'll do another one later for you to "emote" in.

Can you come up here on 

Shall we go on the river again one day this week, with Miss Cross's rig as before?  the best way will be to find a fine evening and then to ring up and fix it & come down right away.

Your week-end sounded lovely in spite of the rain.  I wish I had been there.  I don't want you in fits & starts, sometimes more often than others, but all the time with a steady longing.

I'm going on doing my best to get a decently paid job.  I'll find out who to write to for jobs in a film studio.  I'll get something before long by hook or by crook.

Well, goodnight, dear.

I must take this to the post and come back & make up my parcel & write home.

I love you



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