Saturday 27 May 2017

27th May 1937 - Mary to Terrick



In a hurry

Dear Ticky,

Here is the ticket and Hitchin's card for tomorrow.  He said 6.30 would be all right for his son to start.  We had one of our best rehearsals yesterday - but Carlton thinks Martin Browne will be down on us anyway (although I wouldn't call Carlton by any means a typical example of "Britain's Blue-Eyed Youth" - like Jack - he has three very typical characteristics - he says his prayers every night - can't  bear the thought of Germans earning a living on British soil - and won't allow three people to light their cigarettes off one match!))

Mummy was up this morning to ask if you & I would join her & Lingwoods & Flip on Sat. evening to see Simone Simon in "Seventh Heaven" - I said you weren't coming down this weekend & explained etc. (but perhaps you might phone or write her a card if you have time) - and as I have not the slightest inclination to see the film I shall look after the empty house for the evening!  The family always manage to leave me to my own devices when you're not going to be with me!  Jill & Joan are taking the car up to Reading Regatta for the day.

Grannie was telling me yesterday that she had met Mrs Pearce at the Leven League meeting & she had said how badly she wanted to meet you.  I thought I might phone her one day & ask when I could bring you.

It will be nice seeing you on Sunday afternoon but, of course, the shortest times are the worst.  I always feel better on Monday mornings than Wednesday nights - but perhaps that's just "night"!

It's dreadful what creatures of habit we become - missing a weekend of you sends everything upside down.

It'll be wonderful with the buses again tomorrow, won't it?

As the curtain is rung up at 7.45 on Friday, we shall disappear to dress for "Lear" as we come second, so shall miss the first play - but shall probably be down again for the third.  My seat's next to yours.  They may want 2/6 for yours but I'm not sure.  Anyhow I shall probably see you about 7.30.

My love as always.


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