Sunday 11 December 2016

11th December 1936 - Terrick to Mary

Office    11.12.36


As you are not coming to town on Wednesday I am taking my afternoon for shopping today, because my Reunion circulars have all gone off to the printers and there is a lull in the work till I get the proofs on Monday.

I shall probably get a week's holiday straight on from Christmas but I shall probably spend it in London going to the British Museum every day.

The chapters I am now coming to, in the guide book, are the most difficult as they have to be properly composed  A week's solid work at the History, Sports and Folklore of the Highlands would probably put them right though, or at any rate break the back of them.

I want to listen tonight to what the King has got to say, but I don't quite know whose set I am going to listen to.

I'll catch the 5.59 train on Saturday.  Can you meet me?

This letter is very "human" but I am in the office and the atmosphere is very business-like and cool.

I must stop now and get on with my work.

All my love

Terrick  XXX

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