Wednesday 16 December 2015

16th December 1935 - Terrick to Mary

16th Dec 1935

My Darling Mary Pleasant, 

Please excuse the pencil. I have only just enough ink left in my pen to address the envelope.  This evening I got part of your present.  I have not yet got the grease-paints because it has struck me that if you are not going in for the pantomime and may not be doing a show for some time perhaps there is something you would prefer.  Write and let me know, dear, and also the make of bathe cubes for your mother.

Wednesday is all right, darling, so will you come if you can get away?  Be here at any time.  I shall be back at about quarter to six.  Tomorrow evening Renny & I are going to dinner with Aunt Mildred.  

A letter has just arrived from Eileen in which she says: "Please thank Mary for her nice letter and tell her I'll write before long, & tell her that Bodil's address for Xmas is: 


She & Herbert are going way for Xmas to escape a host of in-laws whom Ma Kühne has invited.  They are going to the Harz Mountains and will probably do some winter sports.  Isn't it terrible how everybody seems to be going to winter sports.

Even Renny, a dyed-in-the-wool, die-hard, true-blue Tory is shocked by the Governments "Peace Plan".

I have given off the film to be developed & reloaded.

Phyllis Bodker is going to ask a friend of hers who is high up in her business to give me an interview; but I think she will get the sack before she gets a chance to do so.  Apparently she is always late.

If you do come on Wednesday, dear, we shall finish improving the Schwaneberg film for Wensley.  It won't take us very long but it will be better than having nothing whatever to do.  At the present moment our sub attraction for each other is much the strongest, and we must find something to do in common.  I'll hear you your Eager Heart part; but it is much better for us to start doing something that will take us some time to do  Preparing the order of the shots of our other big film will be a good thing, and thinking out the sub-titles for it; but we might do something else too.  Otherwise when we are married you will be sitting in your chair doing one thing & I'll be in another chair doing something totally different.  I know, of course, that we can't do thing together all the time, & that most other couples are separate except in the necessities of life & their evening's amusements; but those things are just the "human" things.  It is the quiet hobbies & interests of the idle mind that are the "super" things.  Perhaps we shall find these when we have every evening to do so, but it would be better to start now.  I'd like to join the Bedford Park A.D. because acting is your great interest and it is a mild one of mine that could be developed if you would show me how to act properly.  I think though, I'll so that after we are married.  At the moment my time & money is all going towards getting married to you.

I must stop now and catch the post.

Goodnight my love.



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