Saturday 21 February 2015

21st February 1935 - Mary to Terrick


Feb 21st 1935

I forgot to give you Laburnum Grove last night - so I thought I'd put this in with it for Mums to deliver to you today.

Miss West asked where you were in the Study yesterday evening - wanting to hear something about the tour to Palestine I expect!  So it's lucky you went home.

I'm looking forward to Saturday tremendously - I must try & remember to bring the tickets with me this time - and what about Sunday?  Would you like to go to Rosamond's? - I don't know what Mums will say.

Thank you ever so much, darling for my German books - I'm going to buy an exercise book today and do the 2nd lesson tomorrow.

I hope you have a lovely time this evening.  I bet she's excited - Gosh - if only I could let her know how damned lucky she is.  Think of me reading Hermia if you can spare a moment.

Have you go on your blue suit, or your grey?

The bell has gone for break so must go and quell screaming in next room.

- Oh, darling - it's the perfectness of life that makes it so difficult.

My heart is in little bits in continual circulation

- The most of them for you

- and all my love


Good luck for Bristol - don't forget my post-card 

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