Wednesday, 22 March 2017

22nd March 1937 - Terrick to Mary

35 Nevern Place
S.W. 5

22nd March 1937

My Dearest, Dearest Girl,

Today I could I think have had a chance of going to Nice after all, but found that I wouldn't go for a hundred pounds.  I am looking forward so much to going up to Wensley with you.

After I had rung off I remembered that in my first letter home I did say to them that they ought to write and invite you, but they probably would have anyhow.  I didn't think of it any more after I had spoken to my father on the phone, I took that as instead.  I didn't say anything to him about writing too which was what I suppose I was thinking about when I said 'no'.

I could have stood and talked to you on the phone for ages if you hadn't been going out & had Miss cross waiting to get on the phone.  It would have been all about nothing - with Mrs Nutt listening, but it would have been very nice.  So I am writing to you instead.

Before I can get a grant from the Poly for my eyes I have to get a form signed by my doctor that I need to have them tested!  It is so seldom that I see my doctor that I don't know if I can find his house again.

I left behind at Dunally my bedroom slippers and your brown tie.  Will you bring them up with you, please.

Must stop now.  With all my love


Friday, 3 March 2017

3rd March 1937 - Mary to Terrick


Dearest Dear - I have had a most marvellous afternoon - it was wonderful - spending pots & pots of money - on a new coat & skirt - jersey - 2 hats - and material for a summer skirt & two dresses - and a pair of brown gloves - oh heavens! - it was a lovely time! - & now I'm simply longing to show it all to you, and you'll say "um - oh, yes quite nice - " and pass them all over disinterestedly - but will you give me a brown handbag for my birthday? Because I felt I really couldn't afford that!

Mummy has sent you some cod-liver oil & malt - so you'll swell visibly I should think!

I have just got back in time for supper before going out & found a most lovely long letter from Eileen - and a postcard telling me to be at a rehearsal of Twelfth Night on Friday!  It's probably to decide between Kathleen & me for Maria - so it'll be a bit nerve-wracking because she's much more popular.  It's also a bit disappointing about the Highland Club - because I wanted to hear Jas McPhee again so badly.  But Shakespeare will be nicer if I get it.

Eileen's letter was full of news - & had been opened again - you must read it, because it's all different from yours.  She's offered to make me anything I like, as she has so much time on her hands - which is jolly nice of her.  The nephew isn't expected until Aug 18th so she probably won't be able to come over till Christmas - which is disappointing - he seems to be going on all right so far.  I'll write to her again next week.  I also had a long letter from Inge, saying she was too busy to come over this summer - but would you & I go and stay there - as there was room for both of us.  I'll write and thank her and explain.

Ring me up on Friday before 8.  I wish so badly I was going to see you.  I shan't get Saturday off.

I hope things are going well - yesterday evening was lovely - 

I love you so much.


Mary Pleasant