Monday, 26 December 2016

25th December 1936 - Terrick to Mary

Wensley Rectory

Christmas Night 1936


It is ten to twelve; I am sitting in my room writing to you because I want to communicate with you in some way this Christmas Day to tell you, to express to you somehow the inexpressible amount of love I bear you.

Everything today from present-giving to the dinner has been without savour from your not being part of it.  Without you all happiness is like a violin with a string missing; the simplest melody is broken.  I shall never come up here for Christmas again without you, whether we are married next Christmas or not - and we shall be.

To know something one must experience both the presence and absence of that thing.  That is why we cannot properly understand time, space and a fifth dimension; we have never been without the first two, or - knowingly, in the last one.  And so it is for me with you.  When I do not see you I learn something more about you and how much you mean to me.  One symptom of it is that I feel quite afraid to think of you and how much you mean to me.  One symptom of it is that I feel quite afraid to think or you as going about in a world where there is motor traffic and other dangers.  I almost pray to somebody to keep you safe for me.

I have only just remembered to thank you for your lovely presents.  My love, or rather our love, was all I could think of, and anyhow includes anything we can give each other.  All the three things you gave me are perfect.  The gloves are a perfect fit and marvellously warm with their wool lining.  I wore them to church this morning. The washing bag was what I both wanted and needed.  I have already discarded my old bag and transferred my washing things to yours.  I can now stay away with no fears for the appearances of my toilet articles.  And as for the despatch case, how did you know?  when you got it so quickly I was rather afraid that you might have got one in light leather, which I didn't want, and with leather handles.  A dark one with a zip fastener was exactly what I wanted, and my initials on it was that little something extra that exceeded even the picture I had formed in my mind of what I wanted.  Thank you ever so much again and again.  I like the presents better than the books, nice as they would have been.

Mummy got your card today just as we were going to church.  I showed her my new pullover and she said: "How beautifully she knits".  She thinks that you must have ruined yourself over my presents.  So do I, they must have cost a tremendous lot.  And you protest when I told you to pick out something that was almost a guinea!  You are a dear!


Boxing Day

There is no post out either today or tomorrow so it doesn't look as though you will get this before Monday evening or Tuesday morning.

I had a talk with my father today about getting married.  He wants me to tell you that he is all for it and hopes we go ahead with it as soon as we can.  he also said that he will give me an allowance of about 10/6 a week when Renny has finished his exams - because he is at present paying that amount to pay for his course.  But that promise was made in a rash moment, I shall have to keep him up to it.  So that is a good bit of news.

I must stop now and write and thank various aunts.  I'll ring you up when I get to town, probably before you get this letter.

This, darling, must be our last Christmas apart.

Love and kisses

Terrick  xxx

Sunday, 25 December 2016

25th December 1936 - Mary to Terrick

Christmas Day 1936

My darling Ticky - I wish this Christmas business was all over and you were back again - It has seemed so long already and only a quarter of the time is gone.  I suppose it seems so much longer because everybody is enjoying himself so much - and they all ask me where you are and when we're going to be married.  If they only knew how much harder it is not to miss you when they keep on reminding me!

I love my Christmas presents.  The lamb is lovely - but I must keep him in my "bottom drawer" and only look at him on special occasions - in case he gets smashed - before I can use him properly in our house.  The gloves fit me perfectly & I wore them today with my new coat.  I'm terrified of losing one - because I'm so dreadful with gloves.  The book looks lovely - and I'm going to start it tonight.  It goes into my shelf quite nicely.  Thank you ever so much for everything - in fact all my presents have been extra nice this year.  Jill gave me 3 pairs of scissors in a case! - not very big ones - but a most expensive set & they'll be frightfully useful.  Jack gave me a pair of very fine silk stockings (which I shall wear on New Year's Eve) - and is going to order a magazine for me for the year.  Renny chocolates, Norah an evening bag (which fills me with remorse, having sent her nothing), Auntie Maggie a most dainty nightdress (which you shall see anon in all its glory), Patricia Olsson a fountain pen (for when I lose this) - and Father Christmas a jolly nice toothbrush, darning set and tennis socks.

I'm writing on Aunt Mildred's present at the moment, but I shall always feel it was a slight desecration to use such a lovely piece of material for a writing pad.

Today has been really quite passable - as Christmas Days go - we went to the 8 a.m. service (which lasted an hour and a quarter!) - & after breakfast set off for a car drive to call on the Goddards at Radlett, as it was such a lovely morning.  We got there to find a whoopie party in swing - presents & £5 notes flying here & there (though not for us!) - we drank champagne ad:lib: & were invited to lunch.  So we phoned up home & stayed on - with cocktails and port - & brandy in our mince pies!  We left at 4 to go to tea with Auntie Bob where we spent the evening playing 'Monopoly'.  It was a great success - so much so that we've had to leave it behind for them to play tomorrow (as long as they return it for the weekend!)  I was very lucky tonight & made a profit of nearly £10,000 - I owned the Mayfair site - Strand etc. - Piccadilly etc. - Bow St. etc. - & Whitechapel etc. - all with 3 or 4 houses or hotels! - I couldn't move anywhere when I didn't land on my own property - & noone else could move without going bankrupt paying my rent!

We have just got home.  The children are at the Binghams - Mummy's in bed & asleep & I'm sitting in front of my gas fire in my dressing gown.

Auntie Maggie at Radlett wants Mummy & myself to spend the day there on Monday, Jan 4th & has invited you down to dinner in the evening.  If you can't the 5.37 from St Pancras, I'll meet you a the station at 6.5.  Can you manage it - or are you booked? 

It's the last family you've got to be shown to - and the most difficult, but we must get it over sometime - & they ought to give us a jolly good wedding present!

I've had awful things done to my hair since you've not been here to look after me (this is just to warn you).  I very badly wanted to try curls that rolled back from my forehead - so I had bits cut off here and there.  It doesn't look too frightful - but not as nice as I hoped it would - so now I shall have to grow the bits again.  My eyebrows don't look any different - but I'm going to have them done a bit more.

I have bought my £9.15 worth of saving certificates & have had to have a new book - that's £31 all together.  It seems a mighty sum.  If we could manage to make our joint saving do for all furnishing - we ought to get £100 in cheques which would do for the first year instead of your rise!  But I suppose it wouldn't do.

I read right through the marriage service in church this morning - and I thought my heart would go pop with excitedness the words were so thrilling.

I'm looking forward tremendously to New Year's Eve - how many times do you think you'll dance with Brenda?

The worst thing to me is to watch other people in love who've got each other when we haven't - but I do realise I'm really very lucky to have you as much as I do.

I love you so so much my darling boy - everywhere is so empty without you to call to - or ask things - or have a bath and clean nightie for.  It's the little things which seem to count much more than if you'd been sent to Australia for 5 years.

Grannies tomorrow - and more kind, thoughtful people asking where you are - & "when are you getting married?"

Goodnight, my dearest dear - and thank you so much for all my presents - and the lovely time you gave me on Wednesday (it seems weeks ago!) - and for everything you've done for me by making my whole act of living a wonderful thing.

All my heart is yours for always


Monday, 19 December 2016

Also undated (written on telegram paper) - Mary to Terrick

I've hunted the whole of Richmond for a nice card to put in this - bot none of them are worthy! The best of Christmas and all my love

Mary xx

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Undated (written on telegram paper) - Mary to Terrick

Darling - I'm sure you gave me 6d too much with that 2/- yesterday - you had given me 2 separate shillings before.
- anyway I hope this is all I owe you - I had to send it now in case I didn't get my present.


Thursday, 15 December 2016

15th December 1936 - Mary to Terrick

Tuesday 7.45

My dearest, dearest dear - I have just caught sight of my ancient writing pad lying dusty and disused on top of the cupboard & it reminded me of what a very long time it is since I last wrote to you - I'm afraid your average receipt of letters from me this year will be down on last - but I suppose there won't be such a drop as there will be next year.  There are two books I want to give you very badly for Christmas - but I'm not quite sure of one - & it would be such a waste if you didn't like it.  I shall post all your presents separately to make it more exciting.

I love you very much this evening or else I shouldn't be being so silly as to put all the most pressing work on one side and write all about nothing to you.

I feel frightfully worn out this evening - Heaven knows why, as I haven't done much today.  But I'm a bit fed up with the term - especially when I think what a tremendous lot has to be done in the next four days.  Monday will be frightful with 2 parties on top of each other - Miss Paterson & myself organising the first - and Miss Olsson & me organising the second.  I wish I could catch flu.  They say your bathing wrap will be much to gaudy - but I don't agree - I'm going to wear it over Jack's blue pyjama trousers too - if the pictures you've got show trousers & tunics.  Don't forget to show them to me tomorrow - will you?

- When will you know about your Christmas bonus? - Christmas eve, I suppose.  I wish Miss Cross would deal out a few too.

Hoch told me I was good at rehearsal last night  about the first word of praise anybody's had since we started.  Kathleen says they're going to start casting for "Twelfth Night" in January - & Mrs Eriksen says K. stands a good chance for Viola - but there are such a lot of new magnificent women in the society, that I'm afraid there won't be much hope for me - I'd love to play Olivia - but I might not have time for rehearsals.

- I love you with all my heart - & more & more each day - Thank goodness I'm seeing you tomorrow.


Mary   xxx

Sunday, 11 December 2016

11th December 1936 - Terrick to Mary

Office    11.12.36


As you are not coming to town on Wednesday I am taking my afternoon for shopping today, because my Reunion circulars have all gone off to the printers and there is a lull in the work till I get the proofs on Monday.

I shall probably get a week's holiday straight on from Christmas but I shall probably spend it in London going to the British Museum every day.

The chapters I am now coming to, in the guide book, are the most difficult as they have to be properly composed  A week's solid work at the History, Sports and Folklore of the Highlands would probably put them right though, or at any rate break the back of them.

I want to listen tonight to what the King has got to say, but I don't quite know whose set I am going to listen to.

I'll catch the 5.59 train on Saturday.  Can you meet me?

This letter is very "human" but I am in the office and the atmosphere is very business-like and cool.

I must stop now and get on with my work.

All my love

Terrick  XXX