Sunday, 27 September 2015

27th September 1935 - Mary to Terrick

Old Vicarage School

Sept. 27th 1935

- Very dearest dear - I have nothing much to write about as is somewhat natural, but I feel I owe you the 140th - and this is the only way I can relieve my feelings in moments of stress, not that I'm in a "moment of stress" at the moment - but I may be before Sunday at 7., so I'm taking a precaution!

I have just had a lovely bath and put on this week's clean clothes as I'm going up to school tomorrow.  It's nearly dinner time.  Our new cook doesn't come here till the end of next week so Miss Olsson & I are going to cook the dinner one day next week!

I'm going to give Flip one of those 5/- Brownie cameras for his birthday - if you want to give him something small as we're going out with him on Tuesday - he'll want a film for it - or if you gave him a seat for a cinema he'd love it. (I'm only trying to be helpful!)

It's after supper now.  

Miss O. & myself had planned to go to "David Copperfield" but Miss X came in and started on the timetable which sends us all crazy and wears Miss X's nerves to shreds.  She suggested changing my full day to Monday - & I jibbed a bit - & she said I was inconsiderate - having every Saturday & Sunday off - & we all got a bit peeved but it's fixed up all right now.  Miss O & F. Hoppe went late to pictures.  Hasty P. went out & I settled stubbornly down to more timetable.  Miss X has just been in  made me feel all in the wrong by apologizing & offering me some grapes - & when I've posted this - I'm damn well going to bed!!  This week's been an eternity - & at the moment I feel too inefficient to stay here another!

I had a p.c. from Bernays this morning saying he's preaching away on Sunday evening - & would come to lunch - so it'll be easy to get away.  - also a letter from Miss Frost inviting me to tea with her at the American Tea to tell her all about Norah!

You haven't given me that letter for the customs yet.  Mummy will be champing soon - we'd better do it on Sunday.  Do remind me - because by the time Sunday evening comes & I can put my nose under your coat collar again, I shan't be responsible for my actions!

Its a great life! But I'm not sure that sometimes it's not much too great - it becomes so difficult to handle!

Dearest Heart, I love you fundamentally, sublimely, & ridiculously with all of me.

Yours - because you're you - Mary xxx

Friday, 25 September 2015

25th September 1935 - Terrick to Mary

Marble Arch

25th September 1935


Last night I was too tired when I got back home at 10.15 to do anything except go to bed.  We had a fearful day.

Did I tell you that a letter was going out to clients asking them if they hadn't already let us have their criticisms to write them now?  An insane idea.  Well this letter went out on Monday, so yesterday we had 29 complaints - previous record 19.   So we were pretty hard put to it.

That is nothing to what we have today.  The complaints haven't been counted but they are somewhere around 50!

On Monday I went round the house where the meeting was supposed to be, & got no answer to my rings.  The place as in darkness so I came home.

The story-writing class is quite interesting.  The lecturer, Mr Dudeney, is not a good speaker but he talks a good deal of sense when he is coherent.  Perhaps I was too tired to make enough effort to understand him.

The class is a funny mixture.  Most of them look like Poly clients but there are one or two more interesting and authorly looking people.

I am not going to F.W., so I'll join the New Testament course for the whole time..

Have you seen "Sixteen".  I have 1/- tickets for 4/- seats at the Q Theatre next week.  Shall we go? What day is your day off?



I must stop now.  I want you to get this letter tonight if possible.

I love you.

Your Terrick


Saturday, 12 September 2015

11th & 12th September 1935 - Mary to Terrick

The Old Nag's Head!


Dearest, Dearest, Dear - isn't it strange that, because we love each other so much, we can hurt each other ten thousand times more than anyone else.  I rushed straight out when I got here at 6.0 and got your letter - then I rushed back, locked myself in Peter (a very nice one) - and read it with my ehart thumping up and down and a pain somewhere in the region of my diaphragm.  - Darling - darling - don't hurt yourself over me any more.  Directly I heard you say it was all right over the 'phone yesterday evening - nothing else in this world seemed to matter - and today the hills and lakes and sun look as they've always looked - and I drove like Jehu along the arterial roads with loads and loads lifted off my inside, because I could think of the "you" in London who loved me, and hadn't really meant to hurt me quite so deep down inside - and I could think of the deep, deep longing (much deeper than any hurst could ever go) I had for you and how every hour now was bringing us back together again.

I burnt your letter, dearest heart, most melodramatically, with a Swan Vestas match - it was the first letter of yours I was glad to see go - and there will always be one step leading down from the Highland Hotel that will make me feel a little sick as I remember how one of the most beautiful mornings Fort William has ever seen suddenly blew out - and I hated you for being so unjust - for exactly 25 hours.  I find you can hate a person just because you love them so much - and also that "love" magnifies little thing so tremendously that it can be very dangerous.

We must be careful and tread warily on dangerous places - and we must swear together  ever to write a letter without thinking twice.  I'm just as bad as you are in this - or even worse - so I shall have to be extra careful.

We've had a lovely day - I must come back to the Lake District one day - the mountains look a bit easier than Scotch ones! - and the scenery was wonderful in teh early morning sun.  We came through Windermere and down to look at the Old England Hotel, Bowness (not forgetting Langdale Chase in passing!!) - it's strange how this holiday has brought in such a lot of you - every road I've ever been along with you in Wensley, Fort William, Windermere - seems earmarked for the stirring of my emotions! (the "strong" ones that cause me to be so rude at times!)

I didn't tell you that Paul to Mummy & I along "The Road to the Isles" on Sunday - did I? It was a boiling hot, sunny afternoon - and we got as far as Glenfinnan for tea.  The road further on is too bad for the car - but you must take me one day, because I always feel as if it belongs to you!  Before starting off I went across the loch and back to take  bit of film - I came back all alone with McClean (?) - & he posed for me to take a photograph of him! - and we talked about you! - I'll tell you all about it on Friday.  It was funny. 

Mummy liked the Highland Hotel very much indeed - and Paul was a dear to us - and so was Major (?) Howe - he called me "Miss Ormiston" - and fussed around!  I love going there because I find I can swank a bit! - Peter Corbold & I had a very stimulating game of draughts instead of listening to a Shakespeare recital in the Ball Room!

Gencoe was magnificent!  I remembered every inch of the way - except that I'd saved my last exposure for Mummy to take me on your rock by the mausoleumish building going up Loch Levan - and I missed it.  I knew the place where it should be but the little gate's not very noticeable is it? - and I wasn't feeling too keen that morning anyway!  We got out & looked at the clear water under the bridge near the entrance to Glencoe and drove along the old road past the wall of the Inn where I took the photograph - and one to our mountain!  I'm afraid the thought of my nice little rep. - with his blue button dragging us up that very slope and telling us to be careful of the "scree" put our feet where our hands were, was too much for my "strong" emotions then - and I'm afraid the drips off my nose at the foot of my first mountain last Monday morning were purely, and sentimentally, "heart-broken" ones!  Mummy took some photographs there thought - and I've brought a bit of rock back for the rockery from the stream at the bottom.  Rannoch Moor was magnificent and another place I'd like to stay at was Cranloch - it looked perfect.  Oh - will you tell me lots about places when I get back (Paul was awfully hot on dates and statistics!)

The Hazel Dene last night was one of the nicest places we've been to - and we had a lovely front room - although Flip was in the annex (Paul had written them a p.c.). - It was funny your mentioning the rep there.  Is his name Kaye?  I heard them discussing him this morning - and he seems to have been annoying everybody by arguing when he had never been to the places he was holding forth on - I was going to tell you - but you seem to know already!

Today we also came through the Mersey Tunnel (for Flip) after a crack-up lunch at the Midland - Morecombe.  We haven't wanted anything to eat since & Flip wants to become "Maitre de Hotel" in a place just like it!  I left my ring there (curse it) but they're going to post it on.

- Tonight we're being economical - so have come to "Ye Old Nag's Head" built 1571!! - We've been to the pictures (Love Affair of a Dictator) and have been settled in bed for nearly an hour.  Mummy wants to turn out light, so will finish this tomorrow.

- I love you, darling, so much that it seems wrong to be away from you for such a long time - only 2 more days.



I am sending the cine film with this for you to take to Selfridges.  It's not very good I'm afraid, because I don't know how or when to alter the lens yet.  Do you think you could get my ordinary film done for the weekend?

Did I tell you Norah wanted you to propose the toast of the bridesmaids at the wedding?  Do you mind?  They don't seem to have anybody else sensible - except Jack - but Norah didn't suggest him.

Today we are going down via Shrewsbury & Evesham to Moreton-in-the Marsh for the night. - The White Hart - where we stayed last year - but Mummy likes Gloucestershire so much - so tomorrow we shall practically come back the way we started off - but may stop & pick blackberries on the way.  Mummy suggested you & I went blackberrying again for her on Sunday - but I feel us going off twice together in the car would leave the family in a riot!

Jill is having a very good time although she was sick the whole journey over - in the boat -& in the car at the end - & her new hat blew out of the window!

Flip's whooping cough is a little better - but we've got to keep him away from the Lingwood boys when we get home - he has had a bad week, poor chap!

My cold is better - & Mummy & I have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

I must stop & drink my early morning tea (I'm still in bed).

All my love - (this is rather a silly letter too)


Mary Pleasant  xxx

Thursday, 10 September 2015

10th September 1935 - Terrick to Mary

Darling, this is a rotten letter.  I have just read it through and it doesn't express one quarter of what I could feel.

35 Nevern Place

10th September 1935

Darling Mary Pleasant,

I have asked for Keswick 106 - The Hazeldene Hotel - on the phone and am just waiting for it to come through.  I hope you are there but I believe it is very full.  I have had several complaints from clients there lately that they have been made to sleep out.

I am writing to say how sorry I am that I hurt you in my last letter.  I love you so I wouldn't hurt you if it cost me my life.  I mean intentionally.


That call is coming through in an hour's time.  That will be ten past ten.  I do hope you're there.


You see, though it did just cross my mind that it was possible for it to be someone else who had gone in after you, I thought it too far-fetched.  By the same post I got your postcard and knew that you had at least been within  few yard & minutes of seeing him.

And I did not think you were insulting, nor did I say that you were rude to people.  I thought you hadn't spoken to him though you wanted to, because you were too nervous.  And I said you had no manners because with other people your strong emotions make you forget to do the right thing - like ignoring a lady guest and handing food first some man you like.  I have never known you intentionally be rude to anyone & didn't mean that you were now.

I did at first mean, not to write to you, not to spoil Fort William, but then the only way I could think of that would straighten things out between my father & you was for you to write to him.  That is why I wanted to hear from you right away what you were doing.  I'm sorry, dear, if I was rough, but as soon as I realised what was supposed to have happened I didn't stop a second to brood on it, but instantly cast round for a way out of it.

Forgive me, dear, for being thoughtless of your feelings; but try to understand what I felt at hearing from my father & that in writing to you directly I got home (I got your letter just as I was off for Leeds) I was taking the only possible steps (as I justifiably thought) to make things right for us two.

I suppose shocks like this are good tests for us, but, oh my dear, I am so sorry.  I always used to think those men in novels (generally by women) fools who, when they were given all sorts of concocted false evidence against their lady-loves, believed it.  And here am I at the very first opportunity doing the same.

When I had sent the letter I kept myself from thinking of you opening it, especially at Fort William; but now that I know the truth, it is awful to think of.

I am so glad you have found the country so lovely.  It is the most wonderful time of year for Scotland.  I was amazed to hear your description of Pool's Hotel.  I have always heard it was so good.  Southlands I know well from the outside.  

How wonderful about Andy! £10.10s0d is very good pay for a story of that length.  I must finished Munter's conscience.

I got the answer from the Customs. They want documentary evidence, if possible of the cost of the articles or, failing that "state the values, which, if deemed sufficient, will be accepted as a basis for duty".  They want 50% of the value of the camera and 33⅓ of the value of the Tempophot.  I have written to Eileen for a price leaflet for the latter.  You'll have to ask the Aumunds about the camera, because though we know the make we don't know the model.  Didn't Inge once say how much hers had cost?  I understood it to be about 15 to 20 Rm.  The duty still leaves them cheaper than in England I expect; certainly it does in my case.

I can get a conductor to bring the things up to London.  It will be safer than posting them.

Last week I bought a splicer and made a winder from Meccano and spent six hours on end editing the bathing film.  It is now finished except for a title.  

That old film I used out at Schwaneberg when I had nothing else, was completely fogged.  Nothing came out at all.

Eileen has sent us the wedding menu with a photograph of Schwaneberg on it.  One item is "Hazel-nut-half-frozen"!

On Sunday Renny and I went to see "The Crusades" together, the first time we have been out to a show together for literally years.  It was tripe, but the battle scenes were quite well done.

It is now five to ten.  That call might not be long now.  Our rep at Keswick is a complete failure, so today we sent up Stone, the man who took Jill to Paris, to take his place.  How is Jill getting on?


Oh darling, it was shaking to hear your voice again.  I did feel I had been a beast.  Do try & forgive me if I'm stupid over not considering your inside thoughts.  I do love you so.  And I'm so sorry to have caused you all this pain. I'll be very, very careful of you, dear, in future.

All my heart, all of me.

I love you.



Wednesday, 9 September 2015

9th September 1935 - Mary to Terrick

This letter is in response to one which was destroyed upon receipt by Mary

You're a damn, damn silly fool - you don't care what you say - how much you hurt - or how you're upsetting everybody - as long as you get an explanation back by the next post.

- If you think twice you'd know perfectly well that you could trust me not to insult your parents.  Least of anybody in the world except you.  God knows how I go out of my way to get anybody who likes or belongs to you to like me - 

That Easter at Wensley they did like me - & I liked them - I would have done anything for your father, because he's just the kind of man I get on with.

I went to Wensley this time with the faintest of hopes that we might see him as we went through - I looked in all the cars we passed. - I drove as slowly as possible past the Rectory - I went into the church to show Mummy & we stood writing postcards by the car outside for nearly 20 minutes - & in the end I drove off thinking "well - I didn't really think I should see him but it would have been lovely if I had."  There wasn't a soul in the church when Mummy & I were there - only Flip went round the other side & says he just said good-morning to somebody when I asked him this morning.

It's one of the most unfortunate things that could have happened.  - Oh - when I think how I would have given anything to see him & he was there all the time - and then you to write the most damnable things in a letter because you didn't give yourself time to think.

I know it must have been an awful shock to hear all that from your father - but honestly we didn't see a single soul there - 

Oh - I can't go on explaining - it's made me feel so sick & I was so excited about getting a letter from you here.

- I know I'm rude sometimes to people who I don't like - I know you've told me of it heaps of times - but never, never as long as I live could I be rude to anybody who liked you -

Every other time you've complained about me you've been quite justified - but next time you accuse me of insulting your father - think a bit before you write it - and only put such things as you can take back afterwards.

- Fate does the most beastly things sometimes - but I wish she wouldn't interfere between you and me.

I'm sorry.


I shall be at 
Hazel Dene Hotel
The Heads

on Tuesday

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

8th September 1935 - Mary to Terrick


Sunday Morning

- This is perfect - and yet it is the most harassing experience I've ever had!

Darling, I hate it.  If I was some nice ordinary person with lots of matter of fact common sense, it wouldn't worry me at all.  I should just think "This is where I met Terrick - Whoopee!" - But it isn't a bit like that.  I can't walk downstairs - I can't sit in the hall - or walk down the steps to the town - without thinking of you.  Not the you I know now but the nice clean looking Poly rep I first met on the Station platform.

I stood by the fire in the hall at about 11. last night and looked at the glass partition and the table where you showed us the map -  & the stairs where old Lubitch came down & called you "Fitz" (there's another one of her brand here now) and where you sat while Nora & I told you what to do for your bad ankle!

I recognise the Howes but of course they don't remember me.

There are about 40 typical Ploy Clients here now - and sundry others.  Paul gave a cinema show last night (better than yours!) - and they all made the same remarks & laughed in the same places!

Paul wasn't here when we arrived - & as you didn't tell him how many we were going to be he couldn't do anything about rooms.  But we've got very nice ones.  2nd floor, overlooking the front.  Mummy likes everything very much.  (It's all much nicer than when we were here before!)

Paul has got the most beautiful new rust red Harris Tweed coat with Stag's horn buttons - from your plus four shop - it's lovely!  You must get your next plus four suit from here too - they smell so nice (when you've got past the petrol!)

Paul's brother Peter is up here for 2 weeks too - he's a very nice lad.  He goes home with Paul next week.  Paul's longing for it.

I was a bit disappointed not to find a letter from you when I got here - we had hundreds from everybody else.  But I thought perhaps Leeds had prevented you - & perhaps I'll get one tomorrow.

We had a lovely drive yesterday.  The best we've had.  We left Pitlochry at 11. & turned off the main road over Killicrankie down to Kinlock Rannock - you can't get through over Rannock Moor - so we turned back through Struan onto the main road again through the Pass of Drumochter and across the most perfect heather moors on a cart track to Lock Laggan and onto Spean Bridge.  I was quite happy and enjoying everything until I got to Spean Bridge - and ever since then you have been eclipsing everything I do and think.  It's a very nice feeling - but it has no end - it's simply bottled up inside because nobody else understands.

Something's the matter with the car breaks - so it's in the garage & we shan't be able to go to Mallaig - But I don't want to very much.  I'll go with you one day and it'll be much nicer.  This afternoon we're going across the Loch - & walk up opposite. (Mummy says hasn't it got a name - & I said you'd tell her what it was when we got home!)

She will have to stroll along the bottom because of her asthma - & Flip too, I think, because of his cough.  So I can see myself striding up through the heather accompanied solely by harassing memories of your and Norah! - Oh, gosh, I am a fool - but I do want you here so badly, Scotland isn't Scotland without someone who can tell you the names of mountains - and stories of Prince Charlie and buried treasure!

We had a p.c. from Andy yesterday to say the Evening Standard has accepted his "Uncharted Creek" and are giving him £10-10 for it!!  It's marvellous isn't it?  I'll buck him up tremendously.

We shall be home next Friday at about 6. I should think.  Couldn't you possibly - possibly get Sat morning off & come home to Friday supper? - I can't wait, dearest, until I see you again - there's such a lot to talk about.  I wish we were coming home sooner.

Have you heard anything of "Edwy"? - & has Digby's mother passed away yet?

- Must go out and walk somewhere - it's a perfect Highland morning - just the kind you love best.  Never mind - we've got lots more time & life's a very great one!

All my love



Sunday, 6 September 2015

6th September 1935 - Mary to Terrick

 TELEPHONE :                                                      PROPRIETOR :                                    TELEGRAMS :
111 PITLOCHRY                                              W. A. L. ROBERTSON                   "TIGHNACLOICH"  PITLOCHRY        



Darling - We're in the funniest little place.  Very nice and homely - But it's very difficult to concentrate on this because 2 middleaged "Chewards" and 3 middleaged dour Scotch women and Mum are discussing Italy & Abyssinia!! Gosh - it's getting quite heated. - What do you think's going to happen? - Or how will it end?  It all seems to be getting so much closer just now.  Now they're on to Feisal & Lawrence. (The scotch accent is lovely)

Poor Flip has returned to bed.  I think he's got whooping cough but Mummy thinks he'll be all right in the morning.  I hope he's feeling better by the morning because they say here that the heather further on is magnificent - I'm longing for  it.  We ought to get to F.W. about tea time.

We've had a very good day today.  Starting off by going over Edinburgh Castle and the war memorial - all along Prince's Street and onto Stirling for lunch.  After Perth the road was lovely - we all longed for the mountains to start.  This is a lovely place - and we were very lucky getting straight into here - It's right up the hill looking over the Tay valley to hills.

It's a great day here tomorrow as they have highland sports there's a lovely fair down the hill belching forth smoke and raucous tunes now.

8 of us are sitting round the fire discussing scenery etc. and waiting for 10 o'clock tea, which they say generally arrives! (It's a very homely little place).

- I've been roaring with laughter at the old Scotch woman - she's magnificent!

We're now talking over the merits of Ralph Lynn and Jack Buchanan  The first cinema was opened here yesterday!

I must go to bed - but these people are so interesting.

Dearest, I wish so badly you were here. - but we'll come - one day we'll come both of us together - and look at these hills with heather - and talk with these people - and eat these scones and walk about in these tweeds! - When I'm getting a bit tired with driving on and on and on looking in front of me, I think of you - and me - doing things together - all the things I want to do, made perfect with you - 

Darlingest  I.L.Y.F.A.

Mary Pleasant

Saturday, 5 September 2015

5th September 1935 - Mary to Terrick


OFFICE 62210

Thursday 9.15pm

Darling - Thank you for your letter which I got more by luck than good management at 6.30 this evening.  I managed the 206 miles easily - although they turned into 230 by going down wrong roads! (lovely roads too!).

The Journey was magnificent the whole way - Mummy & Flip had never seen such scenery before - we missed Durham & Newcastle altogether - & went Richmond, Barnard's Castle - Alston - Brampton - Longtown - Selkirk - all along mountain roads with heather and sheep & no cottages for miles at a time.  We wanted to have tea at Galashiels but too the wrong turning - just like me!

We arrived here at 6.15 and found the way to Drumsheugh Gardens - but had to ask for Pool's as there was no name up - and it looked the most dowdy, untidy place when I went in - a grimy little maid with a red nose & a cold was the only person in - & she said Mr Bartlett had moved round the corner & there was no letter for me.  I started round the corner & she ran after me with your letter saying she'd found it on the table - so that bucked me up.  The place round the corner was better - but no room & Bartlett was out on a late tour.  So, as it was getting latish, we tried other places.  4 were full  - & this was the first decent one empty - & this is such a come-down after Harrogate that Mummy wishes we'd gone to one of the big ones! (I hope she'll be satisfied with the Highland).  Dinner tonight reminded me of 186 Haverstock Hill!  Flip & I went out afterwards to stretch our legs & walk down to Princes Street - where we bought some rock as a kind thought for you, & another we're sending to Jack.

We leave about 11.30 tomorrow for Stirling, Perth - with the night ( as you suggested) at Pitlochry or Blair Atholl - if we can get in.  And then on slowly to Fort William on Saturday - oh! I'm so excited - dearest, dearest dear - how I wish you were going to be with me - the hotel won't be the same without you - but one day you promise me we'll go together there - won't we?  The thrill of Wensley this morning was tremendous - Mummy thought it a wonderful place  -

Darling - my own very dearest dear - I must go to sleep - I'm dead to the world, but my cold is better.  You're so close to me always everywhere that anyone sensible would be quite content. - But I'd give my whole 8/6d - the ignition key & two hairgrips to kiss you, at this moment .


Mary   xxx

5th September 1935 - Postcard from Mary to Terrick

I couldn't resist the temptation!  I wish I could remember all the things you told me about the church.  Am standing outside post office in lovely sun and can see the rectory gate down the road - with a certain bunch of historical trees on the hills in the distance.


Friday, 4 September 2015

4th September 1935 - Mary to Terrick


                      MANAGER 2272

Wednesday 8.30

Dearest Dear - 3 minutes was too much for me - but it was very nice - just to know you were sitting in your room at Earls Court thinking about me.  We must certainly make Pool's Hotel tomorrow because of my letter - but it's a tremendous strain driving all day - although I enjoy a certain amount of it tremendously.  A whole day going nowhere on Sunday at Fort William will be wonderful.  And Wensley tomorrow will make me think of you so much that it will hurt.

I've got a streaming cold and G.G.W. (God's gift to women) is upon me in full force - five days before the 8th you notice! (excuse my vulgarity).

Just had a wonderful dinner here - lovely place - most rumous.  I recognised the cinema where we saw "the Constant Nymph" - oh, perfect days!

- Darling I love you more than ever - & will write you a nice letter from F.W. (our F.W.)


Your Mary Pleasant

4th September 1935 - Terrick to Mary

35 Nevern Place

4th September 1935

Darling Mary, 

I hope you get this letter.  I couldn't write yesterday as you weren't going to Harrogate and anyhow I was out till fairly late with my mother & Renny.

It is pouring with rain.  Every day's work is very hard just now and I wish the season were over.  I have no news because I have done nothing except eat, work & sleep lately.  I haven't even been able to get a splicer & cutter as I have either been lunching with my mother or going to the Drama League with library books.  I shall, however, manage to see a few photographic people tomorrow.

Tell me how you are getting on.  I am writing by the same post to Paul to let him know you are coming.

If you can introduce yourself to the Poly rep at Pool's, do.  He is Mr Bartlett, a very nice man.  He was at Fort William with me in 1932.  He will tell you all about how to get anywhere.  If you do speak to him, give him my very kindest regards.

I wish you were here.  You aren't away long enough for me to get used to it, and I feel very loose-endy.


Terrick  XXX

I had just written my own address on the back of the envelope when your call came.  I wondered who it could be & didn't think of you at all.

All my love.  T.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

2nd September 1935 - Terrick to Mary

35 Nevern Square

2nd September 1935

My Darling,

It was nice to see you for lunch.  It refreshed me for the afternoon and evening, and I needed it because I worked till ten to nine.

I believe that in your first letter you had better just ask how much there is to pay on the camera and exposure meter, but the letter must pave the way for our (or at least, my) action in case the answer is that it is too much for me.

Say that you are writing to ask how much you have to pay on the camera & ex. m. mentioned on the attached form.  The camera was a present to you (or say "to your mother" if you like) and you don't know how much it cost.  The E.M. belongs to a friend of yours, as you mentioned at the time, and was a present to him from a German friend.

Don't forget, get in all those points, and nothing else.  At least you can put in anything more about the camera that you like, but not about the E.M.

I have just found the projector here on my arrival.

Did you get a nice hat?

I do hope you have a good time.  I'll write and tell Paul you're coming.

I must stop now; it is 11.15 & I'll miss the post.  I went from the Office tonight straight to my meeting.

Goodbye, dear heart.
