35 Nevern Place
30th April 1935
My Darling Dear,
Your letter arrived from Nice yesterday. It was very nice to get it when least expected, & when most wanted.
At Nice I ahd no time to stop & think when is that letter coming, but now I am always ready & waiting for any sign of you.
Last night I had a very interesting time. A school friend of mine called Prager who is with the Poly in summer & was at Nice with us, asked me to diner at an Italian restaurant in Charlotte St. There and at a pub later we met some most amusing people, mostly artists and actors. there was also a felow who was assistant rep at Lucerne with me my first year in the Poly. He was doing it for his long vac. & is now a master at Stowe. Also there was a Russian girl, an actress, who was sister of a fellow at Dulwich. She was married to an Englishman but has left him & is now living with Harold Scott, the actor, who is at present in "the Beggar's Opera", is producing the Wednesday night show at the Arts Theatre Club & is in the new show at the Westminster starting on the 13th at the Embassy show that start on the 29th. Their flat is in Chelsea so I offered to see her home. She asked me in & I met Scott. I eventually got home about midnight.
Renny changed his digs to-day & is coming round here soon to collect some things he left here.
My part of the show on Saturday ends at nine so I'll get away soon after & be outside the St. John's Hall at 11p.m.
Renny has arrived & wants me to see his new digs.
The projector has not arrived yet.
Nice was very unsettling. work in the office seems very dull, though fortunately there is too much of it to get through for it to be boring.
I feel I need to see you again. Nice made me feel very bachelorish, not so much the earnest endeavourer toward the goal of matrimony; more the globe-trotter, the free-agent again. And though I want you just as much, it is as something I am going towards & not something I am surrounded enveloped by. Rather like a tram getting out of its line. It still heads determined for its terminus but can look at its groove & feel a freer tram for being out of it.
I shall know tomorrow if I have to be in the office on May 6th. I do hope not.
I'll stop now because Renny is getting restive too show me his new place.
I love you very much. Be patient a bit longer.
All my heart
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Thursday, 23 April 2015
23rd April 1935 - Mary to Terrick
Cardigan House
Tuesday 9.30pm
Dearest Dear - Thank you for your letter - it was lovely getting one from you at all to hear how things were going. I'm sorry about the troublesomeness of people in general - but I hope its not spoiling everything - it should be doing you a lot of good - I shall be very cross with 400 persons if you come back looking peaky and worn out!
I've just got back from Cornwall. I had a lovely time - lots of wind & rain. - We got soaked every day and my hair now trails around my shoulders most picturesquely. Jack & Mummy called for me at 9.0 this morning - just as I had got out of bed - so I had a frightful rush. and we got home at 7.0 after tearing recklessly along at 60 most of the way, & missing most wonderful scenery - but we had to get back for me to come to this. I'm just writing this in bits between scenes - a little difficult.
You'll let me know about Friday & the Train, won't you? & you're coming home for the weekend aren't you? - Gosh, I'm longing for it.
Must finish this tomorrow owing to pressing business at the moment.
+ + + + +
Have just invited old school friend (the one I disillusioned some years ago) to stay here until Saturday - but she says she has a lot of shopping to do on Friday - so I'll leave her somewhere in town & pick her up later.
Will you come to a 5/- dance with me on May 10th - Friday? - It's an old Watsonian Jubilee dance at the Hammersmith Palais de Dance - got up by Jean Dunbar's father & ought to be quite good. I don't know what Miss Cross will have to say about me in Jubilee week - I shall hardly be at school at all. J. Carlton comes to stat in Richmond next Tuesday until the show. It seems awfully close.
I have just caught sight of my German Books in the cupboard. I'll make an attempt to do some really hard work before the weekend to surprise you.
- I enclose two post-cards. Daymer Bay is practically the view from the window - the church was once buried under sand & they dug it out - and we paddled on the sand you can see. The far point on the right hand side is Pentire Point in the other one - the Hill is 1 in 6 and we walked down & up it at least once a day - but I'm no thinner. ON Sunday we walked right up to the point and had lunch there - it's frightfully high & then on for miles along the cliff until we saw Tintagel in the distance - it always thrill me tremendously to think of Tintagel - doesn't it you?
Well give my love to Paul - and come back safely.
- All my love too
Mary Pleasant
x x x
Tuesday 9.30pm
Dearest Dear - Thank you for your letter - it was lovely getting one from you at all to hear how things were going. I'm sorry about the troublesomeness of people in general - but I hope its not spoiling everything - it should be doing you a lot of good - I shall be very cross with 400 persons if you come back looking peaky and worn out!
I've just got back from Cornwall. I had a lovely time - lots of wind & rain. - We got soaked every day and my hair now trails around my shoulders most picturesquely. Jack & Mummy called for me at 9.0 this morning - just as I had got out of bed - so I had a frightful rush. and we got home at 7.0 after tearing recklessly along at 60 most of the way, & missing most wonderful scenery - but we had to get back for me to come to this. I'm just writing this in bits between scenes - a little difficult.
You'll let me know about Friday & the Train, won't you? & you're coming home for the weekend aren't you? - Gosh, I'm longing for it.
Must finish this tomorrow owing to pressing business at the moment.
+ + + + +
Have just invited old school friend (the one I disillusioned some years ago) to stay here until Saturday - but she says she has a lot of shopping to do on Friday - so I'll leave her somewhere in town & pick her up later.
Will you come to a 5/- dance with me on May 10th - Friday? - It's an old Watsonian Jubilee dance at the Hammersmith Palais de Dance - got up by Jean Dunbar's father & ought to be quite good. I don't know what Miss Cross will have to say about me in Jubilee week - I shall hardly be at school at all. J. Carlton comes to stat in Richmond next Tuesday until the show. It seems awfully close.
I have just caught sight of my German Books in the cupboard. I'll make an attempt to do some really hard work before the weekend to surprise you.
- I enclose two post-cards. Daymer Bay is practically the view from the window - the church was once buried under sand & they dug it out - and we paddled on the sand you can see. The far point on the right hand side is Pentire Point in the other one - the Hill is 1 in 6 and we walked down & up it at least once a day - but I'm no thinner. ON Sunday we walked right up to the point and had lunch there - it's frightfully high & then on for miles along the cliff until we saw Tintagel in the distance - it always thrill me tremendously to think of Tintagel - doesn't it you?
Well give my love to Paul - and come back safely.
- All my love too
Mary Pleasant
x x x
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
21st April 1935 - Terrick to Mary
Sunday Easter Day
Date forgotten.
I is absolutely impossible to describe this tour in a letter. Never, never, never have I had more trouble, disagreeableness and work than just now. We, the reps, are all worn out already from want of food & sleep. The clients complain all the time. Fortunately I have got two good hotels under me so the railway journey things haven't been quite so bloody for me.
Good Friday - the day we travelled from Boulogne (1.30am) to Nice (9.40pm) was the most awful day I have ever known. The restaurant car company only put on one coach instead of two, so that instead of having 3 services for each meal we had to have six! It was hell! We (Paul, Hawken & I) were nearly torn limb from limb by infuriated clients who had to wait hours for their food.
Last night we had an excursion to Monte Carlo. for me, being used to driving it, it was perfectly straight-forward & easy & my clients got there and back without difficulty, but just as I was leaving Monte Carlo with my people Hawken got in a fearful jamb through having lost a coach & I had to stay behind & help him.
I eventually didn't leave M.C. till 1.10 am (the official time for leaving was 11.30) and then when we got to Beaulieu we found a coach that had broken down & the clients were wandering about waiting for another to be brought out from Nice. So I left my coach & waited with them. I got back to the hotel at 2.05am.
So far you have no cause for jealousy. There is a girl here who was a client of mine in Bruges at Easter 1932, & is now in my hotel, but she is not on my list & won't be. Nearly all the reps have got off with some girl or other but have no time to take much advantage of it. Paul has permission to do the same and so far has been too busy.
The Reception by the Mayor this morning was a scream. He made a speech & the clients suddenly sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow". Then directly it ended the Yorkshire party struck up "On Ilkley Moor Bar t'Hat". Then the Mayor said Goodbye (after Hawken had made an inaudible speech ) and the clients sang "For Auld Lang Syne"!
Your letter bucked me up a bit to-day. I am so tired that it is a job to keep awake. Fortunately we are all still just able to see the joke.
All Love
Too rushed & fagged to write a very nice letter.
Sunday Easter Day
Date forgotten.
I is absolutely impossible to describe this tour in a letter. Never, never, never have I had more trouble, disagreeableness and work than just now. We, the reps, are all worn out already from want of food & sleep. The clients complain all the time. Fortunately I have got two good hotels under me so the railway journey things haven't been quite so bloody for me.
Good Friday - the day we travelled from Boulogne (1.30am) to Nice (9.40pm) was the most awful day I have ever known. The restaurant car company only put on one coach instead of two, so that instead of having 3 services for each meal we had to have six! It was hell! We (Paul, Hawken & I) were nearly torn limb from limb by infuriated clients who had to wait hours for their food.
Last night we had an excursion to Monte Carlo. for me, being used to driving it, it was perfectly straight-forward & easy & my clients got there and back without difficulty, but just as I was leaving Monte Carlo with my people Hawken got in a fearful jamb through having lost a coach & I had to stay behind & help him.
I eventually didn't leave M.C. till 1.10 am (the official time for leaving was 11.30) and then when we got to Beaulieu we found a coach that had broken down & the clients were wandering about waiting for another to be brought out from Nice. So I left my coach & waited with them. I got back to the hotel at 2.05am.
So far you have no cause for jealousy. There is a girl here who was a client of mine in Bruges at Easter 1932, & is now in my hotel, but she is not on my list & won't be. Nearly all the reps have got off with some girl or other but have no time to take much advantage of it. Paul has permission to do the same and so far has been too busy.
The Reception by the Mayor this morning was a scream. He made a speech & the clients suddenly sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow". Then directly it ended the Yorkshire party struck up "On Ilkley Moor Bar t'Hat". Then the Mayor said Goodbye (after Hawken had made an inaudible speech ) and the clients sang "For Auld Lang Syne"!
Your letter bucked me up a bit to-day. I am so tired that it is a job to keep awake. Fortunately we are all still just able to see the joke.
All Love
Too rushed & fagged to write a very nice letter.
Monday, 20 April 2015
20th April 1935 - Postcard from Mary to Terrick
Am drinking in this cafe
Weather putrid - but we walk miles & miles along sand & rocks in teeming rain & it's lovely. Yesterday we paddled & tore about without shoes & socks with the rain streaming off our hair & noses. - The rough seas against the rocks are magnificent. Have just bought a spade to dig with. I hope you've written to me this time.
Love Mary P.
Saturday, 18 April 2015
18th April 1935 - Mary to Terrick
Thursday 2.45pm
Dear Heart - I'm sorry this paper isn't my usual - as it rather spoils this exciting illusion of blind-folding space and time. But perhaps that's rather childish - and we're growing-up! - And, who knows, you might have to pay extra on the weight of this paper - and think how exciting that would be!
Thank you very much for your nice letter - externally (from envelope and fatness) it carried me back nearly two years, so that I just lay & looked at it for a bit - internally it jumped me on to April, 1935. I think I like its intervals better. as long as one still has the power of liking better one can never grow tired of things. It comes very easily to the young - it's a great asset to the old.
- Excuse this, but I have just finished the book the Reyneaus lent me and it's very "euphemistic" - if that's what I mean. - but tremendously interestingly & cleverly told. You have to go on and on - and when I put it down and turned out the light last night I couldn't, for a moment, remember who or where I was - really I was in some slum back-street in Berlin and the family were a nuisance because they kept on interrupting & I couldn't go on - it was a very funny feeling.
I'm sorry - I'm forgetting about your 400 friends clamouring to have their days planned for them - I wonder where you'll read all this.
How are things going? I suppose you're being efficient and officious as usual? Do you still stride mightily and with purpose, clutching sheaves of typed papers? Do you lay down the law in a mighty voice when the party wishes to dawdle behind and dig up the landscape to take home? And do young, attractive females all unsuspectingly (ignorant of the fatal attraction of their complexions and figures) still bag the seats on either side of you? Or do you find that the years have done their ghastly work - and not even the perfectly fitting new suit can make up for those graying temples and withered skin - those stooping shoulders & blotched countenance which, all to plainly, mark a youth of continual oat-sowing and 28 years of miss-spent energies?
But no - I fear I am wilfully defrauding myself of the exquisite pains of jealousy! - tell me you've kissed somebody! - That you took them out into the garden and forgot all about me - tell me that four of them went on all the excursions that you took - that they hung on your words when you danced with them, and blushed when you cursed all the "duty" dances you had still to make!
Gosh! - It gives me such a wonderful pictures that I'd give anything to be one of the four - I'd give them a good two days start and best them at it then - not with any new method, mind you, but just the same old one, because it would be you I was after - and I should have the advantage of knowing such a lot about you that we could start at the end instead of the beginning!
(you notice I have a lot of time at my disposal this afternoon!)
I have rather a nasty cold in my nose, caught, I think from kissing Mrs Eriksen farewell in the first scene. However it's a good job you're not here - I should hate you to have one too.
I go up to a rehearsal tonight at 7. and then catch the 12.20 train from Paddington to Plymouth, arriving at 7. Change for Bodmin Rd. - arrive at 8.50 and get to the place in time for breakfast. I expect the train will be crowded out - but I hope to sleep quite comfortably on my next door neighbour. I feel I shouldn't be going without you there - I've never been in a train at night without you!
Mummy & Jack are bringing me back on Tuesday. I'll try & get the projector on Thursday - or anyway see them about it. I was wondering if it would be possible to get a cheaper one 2nd hand - or hadn't they got one at the place you got the camera. I feel the great thing is that it mustn't be flickery - or can't you help that as the film goes round? It's so tiring to look at if it flickers all the time, isn't it?
Mr Payne has sent us all a box of chocolates for Easter - as usual - he's a dear man - 3lb of chocolates a year for 4 of us for at least 12 years is amazing.
We've bought ordinary invitation cards for my 21st - we're going to dance on the Saturday - the 18th - now. About 30 of us - first to supper here - and then on to the usual dance at Oatlands Park Hotel - very good floor & band Jack says. First of all we made out a list of 50 people - but decided we'd got far too many 'asked-for-politeness' people - so we went and scratched out 20 with the greatest ease. Now it ought to be quite a good party. Mummy's still having her "at home" on the Friday.
- I suppose I must stop and go and make up Andy's bed. He & flip start off on their tour tomorrow at crack of dawn.
Are you having wonderful heat & sunshine - there's a fearful wind & drizzle here. I do hope it's fine over the week-end - write to me, won't you, just a p.c. would do - so that I know you haven't been eaten by a Mediterranean shark!
Flip sends his love - he's sitting opposite roaring uncouthly over "Razzle" I daren't even ask what he's laughing at.
- All my love, old thing, although its quality is now & again inclined to be questionable ---------
Mary Pleasant
I thought perhaps you'd be interested in the enclosed (just to make this fatter!) April 19th 1933 - I nearly sent 1934 - but it's not quite so historically interesting -
But keep this very preciously for me - I couldn't bear to lose it. It did something very funny to my inside when I got it.
Thursday 2.45pm
Dear Heart - I'm sorry this paper isn't my usual - as it rather spoils this exciting illusion of blind-folding space and time. But perhaps that's rather childish - and we're growing-up! - And, who knows, you might have to pay extra on the weight of this paper - and think how exciting that would be!
Thank you very much for your nice letter - externally (from envelope and fatness) it carried me back nearly two years, so that I just lay & looked at it for a bit - internally it jumped me on to April, 1935. I think I like its intervals better. as long as one still has the power of liking better one can never grow tired of things. It comes very easily to the young - it's a great asset to the old.
- Excuse this, but I have just finished the book the Reyneaus lent me and it's very "euphemistic" - if that's what I mean. - but tremendously interestingly & cleverly told. You have to go on and on - and when I put it down and turned out the light last night I couldn't, for a moment, remember who or where I was - really I was in some slum back-street in Berlin and the family were a nuisance because they kept on interrupting & I couldn't go on - it was a very funny feeling.
I'm sorry - I'm forgetting about your 400 friends clamouring to have their days planned for them - I wonder where you'll read all this.
How are things going? I suppose you're being efficient and officious as usual? Do you still stride mightily and with purpose, clutching sheaves of typed papers? Do you lay down the law in a mighty voice when the party wishes to dawdle behind and dig up the landscape to take home? And do young, attractive females all unsuspectingly (ignorant of the fatal attraction of their complexions and figures) still bag the seats on either side of you? Or do you find that the years have done their ghastly work - and not even the perfectly fitting new suit can make up for those graying temples and withered skin - those stooping shoulders & blotched countenance which, all to plainly, mark a youth of continual oat-sowing and 28 years of miss-spent energies?
But no - I fear I am wilfully defrauding myself of the exquisite pains of jealousy! - tell me you've kissed somebody! - That you took them out into the garden and forgot all about me - tell me that four of them went on all the excursions that you took - that they hung on your words when you danced with them, and blushed when you cursed all the "duty" dances you had still to make!
Gosh! - It gives me such a wonderful pictures that I'd give anything to be one of the four - I'd give them a good two days start and best them at it then - not with any new method, mind you, but just the same old one, because it would be you I was after - and I should have the advantage of knowing such a lot about you that we could start at the end instead of the beginning!
(you notice I have a lot of time at my disposal this afternoon!)
I have rather a nasty cold in my nose, caught, I think from kissing Mrs Eriksen farewell in the first scene. However it's a good job you're not here - I should hate you to have one too.
I go up to a rehearsal tonight at 7. and then catch the 12.20 train from Paddington to Plymouth, arriving at 7. Change for Bodmin Rd. - arrive at 8.50 and get to the place in time for breakfast. I expect the train will be crowded out - but I hope to sleep quite comfortably on my next door neighbour. I feel I shouldn't be going without you there - I've never been in a train at night without you!
Mummy & Jack are bringing me back on Tuesday. I'll try & get the projector on Thursday - or anyway see them about it. I was wondering if it would be possible to get a cheaper one 2nd hand - or hadn't they got one at the place you got the camera. I feel the great thing is that it mustn't be flickery - or can't you help that as the film goes round? It's so tiring to look at if it flickers all the time, isn't it?
Mr Payne has sent us all a box of chocolates for Easter - as usual - he's a dear man - 3lb of chocolates a year for 4 of us for at least 12 years is amazing.
We've bought ordinary invitation cards for my 21st - we're going to dance on the Saturday - the 18th - now. About 30 of us - first to supper here - and then on to the usual dance at Oatlands Park Hotel - very good floor & band Jack says. First of all we made out a list of 50 people - but decided we'd got far too many 'asked-for-politeness' people - so we went and scratched out 20 with the greatest ease. Now it ought to be quite a good party. Mummy's still having her "at home" on the Friday.
- I suppose I must stop and go and make up Andy's bed. He & flip start off on their tour tomorrow at crack of dawn.
Are you having wonderful heat & sunshine - there's a fearful wind & drizzle here. I do hope it's fine over the week-end - write to me, won't you, just a p.c. would do - so that I know you haven't been eaten by a Mediterranean shark!
Flip sends his love - he's sitting opposite roaring uncouthly over "Razzle" I daren't even ask what he's laughing at.
- All my love, old thing, although its quality is now & again inclined to be questionable ---------
Mary Pleasant
I thought perhaps you'd be interested in the enclosed (just to make this fatter!) April 19th 1933 - I nearly sent 1934 - but it's not quite so historically interesting -
But keep this very preciously for me - I couldn't bear to lose it. It did something very funny to my inside when I got it.
Thursday, 16 April 2015
16th April 1935 - Terrick to Mary
Hotel Christol-Bristol
16th April 1935
Arrived, had dinner at the station and have now booked rooms at the above hotel.
The crossing was foul, but with the help of a brandy soon after we left Folkestone I managed to come through intact.
We are a party of four, me & my assistant, Collins & Signor Starance, the man from the Compagnia Italiana di Turismo in London, & his assistant.
We start work on the Italian train tomorrow.
At Victoria I bought two cinematograph magazines: "Home Movies" and "The Amateur Cine World".
There is evidently a club at Richmond called the Aristos, one at Kingston and one at Teddington besides the one at Ravenscourt Park and London itself.
It is a good idea of yours to pick up the projector when I arrive & go on & show the film we took, but if we are having it on the instalment system there may be formalities before we can actually take possession of the projector. So could you see Selfridge about it & give them your bank as reference, I expect your mother as a householder would do too. Then if you will pay all the deposit, I will make up for it by paying all the first instalment (quite apart from the pound you lent me) and then we can be sure of having it on the Friday. We shan't need a sheet; my wall will be straighter than any piece of cloth.
I am sorry the writing is so bad but I am having to write on a glass table that is very hard and low.
I read your letter in bed this morning and it put me right for the day. The office work was a great rush, I only left the office just before four. At midday I just had time to get down to Piccadilly & collect my new suit which was ready & fits magnificently.
Now I am looking forward to getting back & seeing you at Victoria. Here is a folder on the Nice celebrations for the winter & spring which I have found in the hotel.
Next Morning before breakfast.
Slept well & feel very hungry. there is only a measly French breakfast waiting for me downstairs.
I love you a lot and shall marry you sooner than you anticipate. Life is very good & should get better & better. (That's how I feel this morning).
When we get our projector we shall also be able to see the Glenelg excursion film that I took. I had forgotten that. Parts of it look quite good but it has been impossible to see it properly on the old midget movie thing.
Must stop now & go and have some grub. My Nice address is the Hotel Albion. I don't know the street but I think the name of the hotel will be sufficient.
Terrick XXXXX
Hope you manage to get to Trevetherick in the end.
16th April 1935
Arrived, had dinner at the station and have now booked rooms at the above hotel.
The crossing was foul, but with the help of a brandy soon after we left Folkestone I managed to come through intact.
We are a party of four, me & my assistant, Collins & Signor Starance, the man from the Compagnia Italiana di Turismo in London, & his assistant.
We start work on the Italian train tomorrow.
At Victoria I bought two cinematograph magazines: "Home Movies" and "The Amateur Cine World".
There is evidently a club at Richmond called the Aristos, one at Kingston and one at Teddington besides the one at Ravenscourt Park and London itself.
It is a good idea of yours to pick up the projector when I arrive & go on & show the film we took, but if we are having it on the instalment system there may be formalities before we can actually take possession of the projector. So could you see Selfridge about it & give them your bank as reference, I expect your mother as a householder would do too. Then if you will pay all the deposit, I will make up for it by paying all the first instalment (quite apart from the pound you lent me) and then we can be sure of having it on the Friday. We shan't need a sheet; my wall will be straighter than any piece of cloth.
I am sorry the writing is so bad but I am having to write on a glass table that is very hard and low.
I read your letter in bed this morning and it put me right for the day. The office work was a great rush, I only left the office just before four. At midday I just had time to get down to Piccadilly & collect my new suit which was ready & fits magnificently.
Now I am looking forward to getting back & seeing you at Victoria. Here is a folder on the Nice celebrations for the winter & spring which I have found in the hotel.
Next Morning before breakfast.
Slept well & feel very hungry. there is only a measly French breakfast waiting for me downstairs.
I love you a lot and shall marry you sooner than you anticipate. Life is very good & should get better & better. (That's how I feel this morning).
When we get our projector we shall also be able to see the Glenelg excursion film that I took. I had forgotten that. Parts of it look quite good but it has been impossible to see it properly on the old midget movie thing.
Must stop now & go and have some grub. My Nice address is the Hotel Albion. I don't know the street but I think the name of the hotel will be sufficient.
Terrick XXXXX
Hope you manage to get to Trevetherick in the end.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
15th April 1935 - Mary to Terrick
Dearest Dear - I wish you weren't going such a long way away - and for such a long time - but if you were still a proper rep it would be for much much longer, so I suppose I mustn't grumble. And its rather nice to think of you going back into all the pictures I put you in before - except that it won't be quite the same person I shall put in the pictures.
I phoned Waterloo this morning and found there wasn't a through train to Wadebridge after 11. on Thursday morning - and no connections either so heaven knows how I'm going to get there - but I've written to ask miss Olsson.
I've also written to ask Eileen. I hope Mummy won't say I've got to come straight home after Inge's - when will you know when you can have your holiday?
If I meet you on Friday week and you get the afternoon off couldn't we get the developed film and projector and go back and hang one of your sheets up and try it?
You can keep my £1 to pay for the deposit on the projector - you're never likely to get another out of me! - and listen, old thing, I don't want a push-in camera for my birthday because it'll be a miles too much expensive present, taking into consideration the cine plus projector plus wardrobe - and there are heaps of smaller things I'd love. - so if you get me a camera I shan't take it - and it's the sort of thing you can always give me in the years to come "as a token of deep esteem" - if, after a few more years - you have any esteem left for me - and I'm afraid that wouldn't be very deep.
I wish you were coming down here on my birthday afternoon - because I want to invite Madame Reyneau - and she must have someone to talk to - unless I give her Mr Jennings or Mr Bernays. - and you'd be so helpful!
Will you put in for your rise next week? I'm longing to hear the result. - I don't know what Granny will say if they don't give you one - I can almost imagine her calling personally on the Commander to try & interest him in her "great-grandchildren" project!
Well I must stop this inconsequent rambling and pour out tea - I'm afraid that never again shall I be able to write letters like i wrote you last time you were in Nice. Perhaps it's a good thing. But you can have a good shot at it for me - only you needn't go to the trouble of making copies! - And will it be on the same sort of paper?
- I feel as if you were going for years and years - think of me tomorrow when you get a chance - I love you very much - and I'm sorry for all the other people who can't have you - and I'm a little sorry for you who've got me
- yours
Mary Pleasant
Good Hunting ! - & be good.
Dearest Dear - I wish you weren't going such a long way away - and for such a long time - but if you were still a proper rep it would be for much much longer, so I suppose I mustn't grumble. And its rather nice to think of you going back into all the pictures I put you in before - except that it won't be quite the same person I shall put in the pictures.
I phoned Waterloo this morning and found there wasn't a through train to Wadebridge after 11. on Thursday morning - and no connections either so heaven knows how I'm going to get there - but I've written to ask miss Olsson.
I've also written to ask Eileen. I hope Mummy won't say I've got to come straight home after Inge's - when will you know when you can have your holiday?
If I meet you on Friday week and you get the afternoon off couldn't we get the developed film and projector and go back and hang one of your sheets up and try it?
You can keep my £1 to pay for the deposit on the projector - you're never likely to get another out of me! - and listen, old thing, I don't want a push-in camera for my birthday because it'll be a miles too much expensive present, taking into consideration the cine plus projector plus wardrobe - and there are heaps of smaller things I'd love. - so if you get me a camera I shan't take it - and it's the sort of thing you can always give me in the years to come "as a token of deep esteem" - if, after a few more years - you have any esteem left for me - and I'm afraid that wouldn't be very deep.
I wish you were coming down here on my birthday afternoon - because I want to invite Madame Reyneau - and she must have someone to talk to - unless I give her Mr Jennings or Mr Bernays. - and you'd be so helpful!
Will you put in for your rise next week? I'm longing to hear the result. - I don't know what Granny will say if they don't give you one - I can almost imagine her calling personally on the Commander to try & interest him in her "great-grandchildren" project!
Well I must stop this inconsequent rambling and pour out tea - I'm afraid that never again shall I be able to write letters like i wrote you last time you were in Nice. Perhaps it's a good thing. But you can have a good shot at it for me - only you needn't go to the trouble of making copies! - And will it be on the same sort of paper?
- I feel as if you were going for years and years - think of me tomorrow when you get a chance - I love you very much - and I'm sorry for all the other people who can't have you - and I'm a little sorry for you who've got me
- yours
Mary Pleasant
Good Hunting ! - & be good.
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
April? 1935 - Terrick to Mary
Dear Old Thing,
I asked Miss Hastings for this paper. Miss West hadn't arrived when I got here so I thought I would start & write to you; but I got into an interesting conversation with Mr Lees on the Thespians.
Never mind about the pictures, old thing. I know how I should feel if my mother expected one of me that I had already promised to you.
You think me a funny person with my communism. I can appreciate it very well because some time ago I should have agreed with you altogether, and up till quite lately I should have agreed with you over such things as chalking blank walls. You see, in communism, the outlook on political methods is totally different from any we have been used to. The Labour Party and the Communist Party say they stand for the freeing of the working-class from exploitation & poverty, but the Labour Party, like the Capitalist parties tries to do things through competing with rich institutions and by organisations (such as Parliament) that have been set up in England by the rich. The Communists, seeing how in past history the labour parties of different countries have always, when a real opportunity of giving power to the people has arisen, turned their back on them & kept capitalism in power, - seeing this & that the only country where socialism is in force is where the workers got power, the communists set out to win power for the working-class. They will have no cooperation with capitalist organisations. They appeal to the workers not to the wealthy or the "cultured". That is why their methods seem repulsive to "cultured" people. The only way to get culture for everyone is by overthrowing the present small cultured minority who try to keep their privileges to themselves.
As to revolution, that is not started by the working class. It is the capitalist class in every case who start the fighting when the workers begin to get powerful, by declaring their organisations illegal and shooting them down for maintaining them.
I asked Miss Hastings for this paper. Miss West hadn't arrived when I got here so I thought I would start & write to you; but I got into an interesting conversation with Mr Lees on the Thespians.
Never mind about the pictures, old thing. I know how I should feel if my mother expected one of me that I had already promised to you.
You think me a funny person with my communism. I can appreciate it very well because some time ago I should have agreed with you altogether, and up till quite lately I should have agreed with you over such things as chalking blank walls. You see, in communism, the outlook on political methods is totally different from any we have been used to. The Labour Party and the Communist Party say they stand for the freeing of the working-class from exploitation & poverty, but the Labour Party, like the Capitalist parties tries to do things through competing with rich institutions and by organisations (such as Parliament) that have been set up in England by the rich. The Communists, seeing how in past history the labour parties of different countries have always, when a real opportunity of giving power to the people has arisen, turned their back on them & kept capitalism in power, - seeing this & that the only country where socialism is in force is where the workers got power, the communists set out to win power for the working-class. They will have no cooperation with capitalist organisations. They appeal to the workers not to the wealthy or the "cultured". That is why their methods seem repulsive to "cultured" people. The only way to get culture for everyone is by overthrowing the present small cultured minority who try to keep their privileges to themselves.
As to revolution, that is not started by the working class. It is the capitalist class in every case who start the fighting when the workers begin to get powerful, by declaring their organisations illegal and shooting them down for maintaining them.
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